Home / Tourism in Portugal / Travel Intentions to Portugal - Wave 13 | 2022


July 08, 2024
Patrícia Seguro , Paulo Belchior
European Travel Comission

Travel Intentions to Portugal - Wave 13 | 2022

tourism in portugal

In September 2022, the European Travel Commission (ETC) released the 13th report of the project Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-European Travel, which measures the travel intention in ten high-volume European source markets. This document focuses on domestic and intra-European travel, since September 2020, in the context of the pandemic crisis.

Turismo de Portugal analysed the results of this project based on the responses of travelers who chose Portugal as their next European travel destination.

Portugal is in the TOP 10 of European countries preferred by respondents for their next international trip. In the previous wave, Portugal occupied the 7th position, with 4.9% of travel intentions, and in this wave it moved to 8th place, having been overtaken by Austria.